The Gambling Authority Board is for the sixth time, engaged in an annual Board & Committee evaluation process. These evaluations are essential to ensure that the board and committees, are functioning effectively and fulfilling their roles and responsibilities. These evaluations help in identifying strengths and weaknesses, promoting continuous improvement, enhancing accountability, and ultimately contributing to the overall success and sustainability of the Authority.
This process was developed internally and is a self-evaluation process and not a 360-degree
approach i.e. with external and third-party assessments and facilitation. The King IV Code suggest that such detailed approach be carried out every three years with
self-evaluation taking place in between as we have done in this case.
Select the board and or Committee you are a member of through the main menu at the top or use the quick access links below .
After selecting the relevent group(s) you belong to select one of the 4 evaluations available and complete those by selecting a rating of 1 to 5 stars where The Scoring ranges from 1 star (Poor/Low) to 3 (Average) to 5 (Very Good/High) and adding comments where you may have comments.
- Complete each evaluation in one sitting to avoid loss of data
- after giving ratings and comments click submit and evaluation will be completed
- Repeat process for all 3 evaluations in each group